
Currently I'm still wearing the light gray jeans. In addition the gray-brown sweater from yesterday (who now has two ladder stitches from Hopfi). I wear small ones on my ears, red gold, fine causual hoop earrings. I don't wear socks. Auf den Lippen ...

3004_To write prose_quarantine (prov. title)

So it is like that, that I want to write out of the text, quasi expanding from the inside to the outside. Paint a flower, which erodes. Don't write linearly and don't think, that I can only think linearly, when I think consciously. Nevertheless: from ...

3004_Diary_ # pwME_Afall on ca Bell 8

Crash on Bell 5 to 10. The first three months in 3004 come relatively high. Recurring violent crashes briefly. Bellgrad 20 to 25. Took the stairs to Tiefenau five times in March, round trip, with the metro to Bern, Post ...

3004_about prose writing

Once you start to look at the formal framework when writing, it is as good as no longer possible, to get into a writing flow in the first place. It starts with that, that you already revise every paragraph after two sentences ...