Eclat de Minutes_A little Dada

Fake news is false news. Is the decade over?, erscheinen sie als zeitlose Lügen im Spiegel der Vergänglichkeiten. ---- My toothbrush turned two today. To celebrate, I ate a caramel flan. But one core stayed with me ...

Shard of Minutes_ Mein (Haus)berg, the Stockhorn

Was stubborn and tall, was right in front of my nose. loved him, als ich klein war und gross er, significantly, mit Hut. loved him, so fervent: was always there! Then why all these years?, when I wanted to leave, because he should go, me ...


It is essential, to understand an official language, if you want to communicate with an office, otherwise you cannot speak to the office. To be able to speak to a person in an office, you have to know, how to formulate your request. D ...

Eclat de minutes_over the icicle

It is called, there is him. Under the umbrella in the shade, a radish, faustgross. If it stays cold, should it grow there?. It is called, he is always warm. Only those he surrounds, they are freezing. Since it now remains minus, so he cannot break. I know ...

From my testimony_beginning_

2022 From disappearance. There are many kinds of it. Some are so obvious, that it sounds funny, to mention them at all: animals disappear. glaciers and islands. People. In the southern hemisphere of the American continent are between Neu ...