Prosa_Man sells car

Mann verkauft Auto Mann, Early forties, sells car, well preserved, and wife to it. Hello, i am writing this ad for my husband, who has just confessed to me, that he will unfortunately be broke for the end of the year. Schweren Herzens verkauft er dar ...


Du stehst in mir als Liebe, which came to the end. Ich hab dir darum eine Krone aufgesetzt. Damit du den Himmel im Blickfeld behältst und untererde, me. I am not in you as love, which came last. Ich hab ...

Diary, 9.6.

In this final silence, images move closer to me. On a timeline, which is no longer true, in wild confusion. Since around 5 Years ago I stopped, to process. The metabolism of that, what i experience, emotional, menta ...

Diary, 8.6.

Winter evening in June. So finally still, that I hear the ticking of the old cuckoo clock on my grandfather's neck. At two o'clock, at four o'clock, at nine o'clock the grandmother went into the kitchen and put the water on, stellte sechs verschnörkelt ...

the good psychologist

  When I became a psychologist, I said to my client: have to clench your teeth firmly, so, as if you didn't have any. But I didn't become a psychologist, but first a head painter, then teacher and sweetheart from my heads, gives ...