Zauberberg, “all sickness is transformed love”

In Chapter One, Thomas Mann lets the psychoanalyst Dr. Krokowski sagen:

“All sickness is transformed love.”

A powerful statement.

Dr. Krokowski is by Georg Groddeck (1866 – 1934), Physician and trainer of psychsomatics, copied.
(Thomas Mann probably copied all of his characters, does not change the greatness of his characters or novels).

Frog deck, who exchanged letters with Freud, calls himself one “wild analyst”,
for whom illness is an achievement of the organism, the biographical, sexual-psychological and symbolic
verstanden werden will. (see biopsychosocial model, today!)
That's the big secret “Es.” It has a religious dimension for Groddeck and is more than the unconscious.
‘Groddeck verwischt die Konturen von Körper und Seele zu einem “Panpsychismus”.’ (medical journal, June 2009)

While Groddeck i.a. was not taken seriously by Freud and other scientists at the time,
the power of psychosomatics is still unstoppable today. I experienced it as a disciplinary procedure,
Blame directed at my person and personality, by far not
as an attempt, actually bringing body and soul together.

“all sickness is transformed love.”

And! Why not!

Unless, all sickness is transformed violence and destruction.”

Here it probably depends on the genetics and personality structure of the person, if he/she tends to, the destruction after
To turn outside or inside.
The cause of illness is organic/energetic. imbalance, a lack, a lack.
This sentence is no different from Schwurbler: “All sickness is transformed love.”

But the theorem of Krokowski or. Goddeck or. Mann is outstanding and precise!

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