So it is like that, that I want to write out of the text, quasi expanding from the inside to the outside. Paint a flower, which erodes. Don't write linearly and don't think, that I can only think linearly, when I think consciously. Nevertheless: von Inne ...
Tonight I'm wearing the light blue jeans with the gray-brown sweater, 30%Wool, 70&Elastane, over a light brown leather belt and a brown plastic headband with filigree all around, adorned with dark brown flowers, in der Mitte jedes B ...
3004_Diary_the fortress
As a young woman, I was looking for the pulse of life, I suffered terribly, because I didn't find the artistic community, I thought then, I'll find some kind of group of people and sit around a coffee table with them, so wie Beauvo ...
Retro: Diary, 9.10.20, my 3 Battles, Summary (as well on 10.4.21 lost)
I see exactly 3 battles, that I could win or lose: Krankheit resp physische Homöostase berufliche resp. künstlerische Anerkennung LoveAndere Battles sehe ich augenblicklich nicht und habe keine Augen dafür, e.g.. for so many Life-S ...
3004_about prose writing
Once you start to look at the formal framework when writing, it is as good as no longer possible, to get into a writing flow in the first place. It starts with that, that you already revise every paragraph after two sentences, ums ...
3004_Diary___ I'm looking for the space in between
The dynamic, in which one drifts forward, has something magnetic about it. In between, someone is busy solving acute problems. I admit, that I solve one acute problem after the next, but never- and maybe because of that- niemals mein chronisches ...
3004_to the “Belief” and prose writing
After many years of writing off (Automatic writing), circular letter, I have myself at "Belief" struggled to do so (through deliberation), that I have to create chapters in some way, die in sich so was wie ein Ende und Anfa ...
3004__Diary_ to the retreat
Then when I'm dead, in this brief moment the greatest possible and most defenseless intimacy, I don't want to have a single eye on myself and never be seen by any look. Another, further condition, the ...
The only, what I realized after so many years, is, that my brain is disabled. Of course there is physical illness, but this is relatively clear (Myalgic E. according to the international consensus criteria). Die Behi ...