#pwME_ why doctors need to be accurate

I hope, that you finally get the following: physical illness is not biopsychosocial. It's the biopsychosocial&genetic conditions, result in the disease.

In that sense, there can no longer be psychosomatics, as soon as symptoms manifest themselves physically.

Psychosomatics sits comfortably in its year-old university chair and does nothing, um sich an der Verbesserung körperlicher Folgeschäden resp Stress induzierten Erkrankungen zu beteiligen, which people get sick en masse, because they cannot endure the destructive living conditions in the long term, into which neoliberalism forces them.

Psychosomatics is just a puppet, who is involved, the, what people actually feel and experience in their organism, zu verdecken und die Menschen schuldig zu sprechen für ihre ‘klugen’ Leiden.

I'm sure, sensitive and reflective people rightly suffer from a certain point in their lives. You put all your energy into your job, e.g., in social or service occupations, and feel, that the imbalance between resting and giving, between commitment and praise, Wages and living costs will eventually wear them out.

It's so poor, how the people and workers must exploit themselves, the workers and people, who work on people, at the base, but then, when the consequences of a completely incomplete way of life start to appear, marked in the cells,

there is not a single welfare, where they can recover at an affordable price and the alternative therapy methods deliberately boycotted by university medicine, die ev. the worst (the full-blown disease) could avert, applied at affordable prices.

So that's what a good citizen is worth.

So financial wealth and prestige are the same (psychic) health in this country, because anyone who can read to some extent, understands the power of symbolic language:

And that language is money here. money. money.

I say this, because the complementary and holistic clinics in our country, like almost everything “healthy”, are only for the super rich.

Nun wird also eine unabhängige Untersuchung der diesjährigen Übersterblichkeit verlangt. Hopefully it doesn't just count triple vaccinated Covid deaths, but also the suicides of those, who could no longer stay afloat, because they tried, to live holistically, Life artists were with healthy charisma, People, who brought color to the world and honesty, or simply those who unfairly underearned.







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