off topic_Sennett you are needed

I was on a dating/meeting site on a Friday night. Instead of my size, Tick ​​hair color and pastime, I wrote a small, but detailed bio. Below that I put one of my email addresses.

I was warned about an hour later, My bio violates rules because of private information and has been deleted. I would also have fun here on the platform. (They probably referred to my comment in the bio, I'm a bit unfunny and could use a few fun visitors). It may be, that this was a program, that threatened me with the code of conduct of fun-
but: it was an order and an infringement of my right to freedom, to be honest, in my right, not wanting to have fun.

So it is like that, Conclusion: that encounters are undesirable on these encounter platforms, if the participant of the platform the predetermined grid, which say absolutely nothing about human beings, exceeds and writes something, what another person might actually recognize him in.

Of course I would never be on such platforms, if I do not 70-80% would be homebound. And I will stop trying now.

It wasn't even possible, to write to the person responsible personally, why I find your platform questionable.

It's quite a lot. Goes well with my previous post “Melancholia”.

It seems to me, in many places, out there, do you want to stomp people?. Foucault might say, Medicine and psychiatry have now found their way into a personal area of ​​social exchange, mental hygiene is cruising through and purging digital social institutions …..

exciting melancholia sufferers and other sweet lice.

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