Portrait_Marion Jeanne

In the west it looked like rain, yellow clouds covered the sky to the east.
But would it really rain?? You couldn't count on anything!
It was Friday evening, and there was always a storm coming up, at least what Marion Jeannes
mood concerned.

Because she was hot, Marion Jeanne emptied a watering can of flower water over her head as a precaution.
Just like a flower, who hasn't drunk for a long time, caught her with a very thin beam
an, so as not to frighten, and then boldly placed himself among the rest.

As the water drew to a close, her black Hollister dress was dripping with cool moisture,
clung to her skin like a holiday reminiscence and Marion Jeanne gave a little squeak of joy
by himself.

Like hundreds of thousands, Marion Jeanne suffered especially at the weekend
of chronic emotional loneliness.
(But unlike many): Marion Jeanne knew this damn well!


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