
For me, culture would be this inclusion of experiences, Insights and realities of life beyond the constructed reality.

And what would that be? It can't be religion. spirituality, grow on the basis of this constructed reality, it can't be. spirituality, as the West knows them, only works through a break from everyday routine performance. There's something crippled about her, because it seems like an advertisement, ultimately created by the economy.

Art……it can….probably no longer be, since it no longer embodies a form of lived life, a spirituality without manipulation….it can't be her anymore, since she has to sell herself, like any ×-any product? And why does she have to??

For me, culture would be this inclusion of ontological certainties, that questions or even abolishes constructed reality. I'm not obliged, to obey this constructed reality, by finding my wishes and goals as given in it. I refuse a constructed reality, which never took into account the incredible vulnerability of my physical body. I experience a kind of realization in my consciousness, that dictates to me, that my life is more important, than all of that, what the system was trying to train me to do. One culture, this unique and constructed reality for the ultimate, takes the absolute, is for me a slightly amputated culture. For me, culture would be the inclusion of all children's questions: who am I? What's that supposed to mean? What should I? What is there? What is outside?? What do I feel and how do I appear in it?, what I feel? What is this stranger?? Etc. Not, to answer these questions, but simple, to provide them. For me it would be the continuation of children's questions into the lives of adults. These questions must continue to exist and influence concern for oneself and the world through distance. This system, in which only performance in the sense of quantity has value, couldn't be so extremely performance-oriented. It wouldn't be possible, Personality only from a profession or even just the fact, that you earn money, derive. This would be for me, with exceptions, not a cultural person. In my opinion, civilized people would either take care of themselves or express the ontological law in some form and thereby relativize the constructed reality, distance yourself from her. There is no one, who can tell me, how I have to live, No society can regard the servitude of its fellow human beings as normal and legitimate. No society can reward human work monetarily, the reward must come from a human gesture, by thanking, at best through symbolic gifts or exchange. Culture would mean to me, not to let yourself be talked into the meaning of life. It should be possible, to expose oneself to the possible fact, that there is nothing for people to do, other than feeding and caring for yourself.

Of course I didn't think any of this through. And feeding yourself has long since become impossible.

Maybe I'm describing some original tribes here, I do not know.

But what about thinking about life in this primitive life?, the ontology, the godless space and the scientific findings, to bring together the pleasures and comforts of prosperity? I dont know. No, it wouldn't work.

I miss something about the culture and I miss something about most people? I often probe them for their assessment, which they adopt in relation to themselves and the proportionality of their life determined by others. I look for the experience of death in them, of a knowledge beyond the given, a gesture, an expression, who takes them out of the constructed reality and leaves them to themselves. I like lost ones, People thrown back on themselves. But I almost only find people, that don't come off, they suffer from the consequences of coercion, not because of the impossibility, to realize the vision of your own life. Then again I meet people, that are so esoteric, that I equate them with compulsive neurotics or psychotics, because they ignore all ontological laws. Such remote lives are a mystery to me.


So, I'm paroxysmal incompetent, to think more about culture, as I may feel sleep.



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