I know one (abstract) the manuscript currently has no title, it must also be freed from fads

"Do you want to go with me?“, he asked on Friday evening full of enamel and on Monday morning he hissed: „Go away!“Then he went himself, but as he walked he kept turning to her and kissing her, sobbing this time, all over again, while at the same time he pushed her away, three days later, by kissing her even more tenderly, etc. After all, nach Monaten, riss er sich mit Gewalt von ihr los und sie sank nieder in die Arme eines Frauenverstehers, Fährmanns und Gelegenheitskellners von der Grösse eines Jungtännchens.

This understanding of women was a whirl and a touch of liveliness, wie ihn keiner je gesehen hat. But he neglected his economic advancement in cold blood, um junge Frauen wie sie, who fell in love with Struwwelpeter at the age of almost twenty, down to the soup tonic-, had skimmed, fatal women, to feed and fatten in his boathouse. She devoured this love within a short time and owed it to him with a yawn.

With that the climax was reached and love, that clear glass of water, tarnished like muddy sand, broke into a thundering keyboard of discrepancies and ambivalences. She was twenty-four now and found several hearts within herself, but none big enough for one, but for this and that, for several at the same time a small one.

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