Cruelty at Easter (new version)

But how say’ I give it to an adult, as if he were a child,

which I, as an adult, cannot say to the adult?

As a kid, I can't tell him, because I'm not:

a child. But big and therefore grown up!

But if I tell him, as adults,

and an adult he too, if i tell him …

von Erwachsenem zu Erwachsenem sozusagen, then—


—— Gradually she got up and went in search of clues.

But these hiding places weren't meant for her.

In order not to desecrate, she lowered her eyes, and

took a different path; the one about the bald one,

endless stairs. she gasped. —–


But how do I hide it from a child?

What I, as an adult, cannot hide from the adult?

I can't tell him in the child's words!

Can't be clear and simple.


she found, she thought awkwardly. It could only be that complicated

an adult think, who couldn't say more frankly,

what he meant! Who could no longer think freely, was

he felt, could no longer freely feel, what he knew, it stood there, waiting for the human crisis to pass

felt, what it meant… stand behind it: so wie ein K ——


The egg is round.

Don’t cry.


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