History lesson for children

About 150 Years ago, two vain badges attacked each other,
around as they said, To become brothers, honored as enemies. It was at a time,
in which countries were divided up and stole for the game. France was already then
gross, Prussia there, to become even more powerful.

So they attacked each other, because they were brothers, Brothers in measure and
Size. The French shot with the Chasspot rifle, with which one goal
met exactly, yet they ran to their brothers, who surrounded Paris on horseback,
in the hail of cannons.

One picture shows her slumped, Head to shoulder
and arm in arm, peaceful, almost like Renoir's nude bathers.

Speaking of women: Tens of thousands of young girls and mothers cried. So too
Citizen's Miss S. from St.. Germais. “Oh, Fatherland, must be my love
to be bigger to you, now, where you took the most beloved from me,
my Ludovic?!” And this is where the pathetic ended
Young lady's diary entries.

“My dear brother”, salbaderte Napoleon III., than the game for him
became too colorful: “I give up, I put fate in your hands. my country
fought valiantly, but your men have more courage, more bravery than
my. You decide now, what should happen to us.”
The letter was handed over to Wilhelm wearing white gloves.

In Versailles, where the frog Bismarck, twirled with lust for power,
the little strip of Alsace annexed Lorraine,
Meanwhile the wounded from both countries piled up.
They were no longer heated opponents, heimlich
loyal and fraternal in heart, but wept,
because they missed Christmas so much at home.

children, did you understand the lesson?

Common! Beaten! Dying! Men! In honor!



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