For in-between: Letters from a young hairdresser's brain to the psychiatrist (1999)

Jeanne Stürmchen, Steckweg 3 3014 Bern

24. 9. 1999

Dear Doctor,

Sicher denken Sie jetzt: At, No! Now she's stealing my private time too, this clean gang! Zeit haben Sie nicht. Sie ist Ihnen immer zu knapp. Even during the meeting, your gaze is caught in the diary most of the time. Hope so, that at least one patient for the next day, the coming week still bounces off? I am that patient, doctor, rest assured, I can't come next week! I'm just looking for a lost declaration of love for my life, after your soul knight PSYCHOPHARMAKA made me vomit last night. And I saw twice. A, don't know what kind of psychological monster concentrate fired me against this tiny little one, chemical pills, I felt a tube in my throat, Twisted and knotted ten times… No, I can’t swallow this pill with the best will in the world! Can't be in the three and a half million, the, like you said, this pill every day, almost for pleasure, take in. All in all, I am already very disappointing, I have to admit it. Not least, because I would have loved it, once to belong to a family ... a genus or species from the family … the ... as it was called … we say: Psychiatric feasts! Dark cloud eater! Straight ahead! So to speak! Well, I'll stay miserable for a lifetime now?

I hope not! And remain


Sincerely yours

Jeanne Stürmchen


(1999/2017, Edges)



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