Bit of a blah outside_Sternstunden_Philosophy_

Great moment philosophy: “Men are becoming more and more feminine”, title. What do you mean by female in this case?? If you say, that there is no “masculinity” as such there is more, but only facets, cultural appropriation, roll; then neither can it “femininity” give, and they need to change the title:
“Men are becoming more and more human?” I do not know, I don't like it either. Sorry, but the women are portrayed that way, like harmonic, taffe, perfect machines. Maybe that's what they want to be, I don't know the women. As little as I know the men.

But I can add something to the debate: I, biologically female, I'm completely controlled by my hormones! Usually female hormones, although there are also some hormones in me, as in men. (DHEA, Testosterone).

My female cycle and my female hormones have an enormous effect on my behavior. So I can at the end of my cycle (Progesteronphase) very outgoing, aggressive, creative, become manic. I post all my stupid videos in the progesterone phase! I'm much better at arguing when I'm on progesterone, in the progesterone phase I would also go to the 25% belong to women, who commit suicide. The estrogen build-up phase is a relatively quiet phase for me, where I'm weak and withdrawn and happy, that no one sees me. In this phase I regret my extroversions and I am often met gently and peacefully.

It could be, dass ich eine Ausnahme bin. Aber ich kann mein biologisches Geschlecht nicht abschaffen sowenig wie die Genetik ändern.

You say (in the show) there would be a greater number of among men (social) “intolerable” than among women. I am such an incompatible person as a woman. I do not know, why i am like this, ev. because I want to be like men, me as long as (as a child) not treated sensitively enough.

To the statistics: I do not think so, that this is due to cultural appropriation, but on the male hormones and therefore their biology. I think, that these hormones early on influence men's preferences for the extrinsic, for the thing, the progress, the job, sporting goals, etc. stipulate …. but then I think, in a second step, that the biology and culture of “masculinity”, makes it more difficult for men in the event of a crisis, to show weakness, break in, to get help, to communicate etc. this would mean, that men focus on themselves and reflect on themselves, so, like women do all the time, Not, because they have to, rather, because they want it! But men don't usually do that, because they didn't learn it, because it wasn't a priority in her life, she doesn't care that much, And that, in turn, I think is biological.

The problems, that the man has, and which one sees in the statistics, arise from his biology and his prioritized focus on things. And then logically from the unlearned strategies, to deal with crises, because these crises belong to an area (being human, Psyche, Emotion, self development), which most men are not very interested in.

It's typically human, that one succeeds or develops in the areas, that you care about most.

am i racist, if I believe in the difference between the sexes because of their different biology?
Is this belief an ideology?, because I like, that between woman and man stands the other…?

The statistics refer to the entire year 2019






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