'Twenty-five years and my life is still Trying to get up that great big hill of hope For a destination I realized quickly when I knew I should That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man For whatever that means And so I cry sometimes whe ...
In summer, when they murdered Thouan, I couldn't think of anything else. Thouan had slipped into drugs in handleren his senior year, I assume as a consumer as well as an intermediary dealer. It was in the newspaper, dass ein besonder ...
Leila has no legs. So none at all. I do not know, whether to start such a portrait. Isn't there enough of Leila?, otherwise? Leila recently had her second date in five years. But he had another date. Und da hat Leila ihn v ...
45 nevermore
Raven! AM 3.57! I cannot sleep. Will I be able to sleep evermore?! You have to be my priest, please! Raven! Pray tell me whether these false things I did in my life were big human mistakes or small human mistakes!? What if I did a tiny mist ...
Foucault_Monitor and Punish, unlawful acts
"... One could then assume, that prison and the means of punishment in general are not intended for this, to suppress crime, but to differentiate them, to arrange them, to make them usable; that they should subdue those less, d ...