Portrait_Marion Jeanne

In the west it looked like rain, yellow clouds covered the sky to the east. But would it really rain?? You couldn't count on anything! It was Friday evening, and there was always a storm coming up, wenigstens was Marion Jeannes Stimmung betraf ...


He called himself that, because he was free. Actually free. Except of course, when you put him in the isolation cell, for twenty-four hours. In the isolation cell there was only a tightly strapped mattress with no corners or edges, Nothing, what to say ...


Life wrote a few stories about Dolly, that she did not write herself. When Dolly passed fifty, found her: this is not my life anymore, that I wrote for myself, that i live, how strange. But what was it? ...

Portrait_Frau A.

When I was very little, our doorbell rang regularly. The neighbor, Frau A., mostly stood there in a state of disarray and complained of something in great excitement. i was too small, to understand, that the object is theirs ...


Severin became a clinical psychologist. His faculty shows him gray, Tone in tone with a gray ready-to-wear coat. When I was sixteen and Severin twenty, we have agreed, that we are on the long road between Oberdiessbach and Stalde ...

3004_about writing_belief and testimony

I'm concerned with the impression, that my two novels (Statement of belief 10 years written on it, Testimony 2 Monate), don't radiate an appropriate age. It is strange, but it feels like it, as if the tone of my writing was young, as could ...