Grossvaters Mythen Fritz hat heute seine Zähne nicht drin. We only notice it when we press the bus station. No teeth in there, but as always with the ornate walking stick. Fritz takes huge steps. Er hat nicht nur gross ...
Retro 17, Song without dancing
Blood vessels- ich denke mir euch als aus einem Weinen oder Lachen geschnittene Girlanden, die sich öffnen und runterfallen ins zapfengelockte Meer. Now it is too late. bone- I think of you as long noses from puppets, on four threads ...
So you can definitely be an addiction (or bad behavior) have and understand exactly, how this addiction comes about and works. And it can still be, that there is nothing you can do about it of your own accord. D ...
He got a love letter from you
The first of two this century. Written from this mad stream, trusting oneself with love. From you, stupid, ugly and fat. But he didn't care about ink blots. He was not entirely at ease with this format. Daher lac ...
Chewing gum conference, the primary primitives
Give him small, hard blows. Chase him in a circle. Make him diaper-soft. From ambush, dark, -in-trans-par-ent an Eckzähne gepfählt. Spuck's aus, my child! calls the mother. refusal. Spuck's aus, here in my hand! Krie ...
Streaming, retro 2017
Sunset through fleuzeug window, Suter U.) Life size, Of, over a spanish coastline, while I was dazed by the smell of seafood, run towards the screams of the market women through the hall. Le ...
Prose_4 AM
The sea rushes in the heating pipes. I can hear it. They growl in all directions, a perpetual somewhere sound. It's that quiet. So still. Once we rolled down all the car windows, tucked our shirts on the handles. Between ...
3004_Diary_ the heart has its reasons, that the mind does not know
'The heart has its reasons, which the mind does not know. ' One of my favorite quotes since I can read and write. Ever since I accuse myself and feel back, one: nicer and deeper, to feel clearer. But now I have a leap in the subject(ive ...
3004_Diary_ in the body
So I am locked in my body. But at the same time excluded from me as a body. That's what makes it special. The same can be applied to my relationship with the outside world: Ich bin als Mensch in dieser Aussenwelt e ...
Nanu, I see nothing. Must grope through jumping tires, catacombs, eng. But I post everywhere, get bruises. Hallucinate tremors, like snakes, Places dangers, made out in somewhere. Nobody takes me for a walk on my arm like that ...