3004_Diary_ for writing

Unfortunately only for writing again:

Every day I save another day and night for writing, solange, until my cognition and mental strength are recovered, that I can do it again ( Write) at my belief / conclusion. I could write something spontaneous in the meantime, like I did here so often, but I don't like anything spontaneous, because I think, It is not worth.

That thing there; Write, has now become an absolutely economic one for me; body-economic. And when I go through the question: Is it worth? will be slowed down, before I let go of writing, it should be like that in principle, that I hardly ever write again or only very rarely, by writing one more time on my belief system or on its indecision.

Diary writing, on the other hand, is something, that I without stamina, mental strength and cognition, it's actually not at all “Write”, but only “Chatter”, “Palavern”, give something of yourself, that does not arise in the brain, but happens a little outside and before thinking. It's not a conscious act. And then you can see that, if you read through his diaries backwards and at the same time a little murky story; the diary has absolutely no value, then, because no shape and no eye, that gives form and note to the text from the outside, and, maybe even content…. Even the worst murkix story is more valuable than the diary, it is a constructive act, to use there with writing prose, where there is nothing, except for a stammer, a stutter, even a silence. Unless, one has this gift, To write stories…..


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