Foucault an Bonnefoy_1968_S.69

'Mein Diskursvorhaben ist das Vorhaben eines Priesters: Ich möchte das zum Vorschein bringen, was unserem Blick zu nah ist, als dass wir es sehen könnten, was nah bei uns ist, aber durch das wir hindurchblicken, um anderes zu sehen. Dieser Atmosphäre ...

3004_Homo Deus, the godlike human?

Wer will- after transhumanism- live according to Yuval Harari's idea of ​​man? The Hebrew historian proclaims, the humans with computer functions built into their flesh, because it then acts on calculations, no longer on emotions, ...

to my “Belief”, which is now untitled

All changes, that you dictate to me, I accept without hesitation. I would probably cut every chapter, if you want it that way. Not, because i believe, that you doctor of this thing- language and such - have a taste, the everything ...


With Myalgic Encephalomyelitis one can assume so, that projects already fail in their preliminary planning. Even the smallest euphoric or "busy" actionism, get up like before, out of motivation, his miserable life with d ...