Raven! Two years later I still wish the Snow would come and drown my house, so I got peace.
Orderd Ritalin to be able go through the 123 pages left of my life/Glaubenssatz at once….
Sometimes I missed a whole bunch of words this time…. it was like a rupture in my brain when I wanted to make dense and clear phrases….
I am so tired… this place is so cold….
Come in, Raven, meet me also tomorrow, when I wake up with this tremendous disappointment.
Still, I have not escaped my prison….
Diese bodenlose Enttäuschung, die mich beim Erwachen heimsucht und zerfleischt wie hungriges Raubtier.
So sad and horrible, another year without health or love.
Another unborn year I could not give birth myself through my work….