The idea, that I've been dealing with for several years, based on just a feeling, but a feeling, that gives me no rest: that I can't start with the old chapters, but must insert them into the new chapters.
Why? Because my old protagonist self has the focus on the mental disorder and the text is too blocked
Because my new protagonist self focuses on the physical disorder and is closer to spiritual maturity
What do I lose as a result, or what does the text lose by not being chronological, timed chapters?
By attempting to build a box, he loses the linguistic diversity and density, the homogeneity.
What does he win or what does he have to win: The life story told from behind should finally make it possible for the author, to prioritize, the important elements must form the background, on which the second most important elements are reflected, this means, the background, the framework is not a mentally handicapped, but a woman, who is bedridden due to physical illness. Am Absurd Curriculum (the adolescent texts) I will cut off information.
I re-filed the belief as version_so-and-so. I probably already have about 10 Versions, of that yet 2 exist.
What dangers loom: that I have to undo everything, because the old version was better, too much linguistic density is lost
What dangers do not threaten: To lose time or to lose time, that I could use for a new professional or life-changing orientation, this option does not exist
What nasty surprises should be expected: That I will think differently in the morning or in two weeks
What dangers do not threaten: that there is something to regret
What dangers loom: just, that I had to give up my life, before I'm done with work
Of course, that was my old literary mind map (2005?), see below, even more beautiful, the new one is just scrawled
The psychic mind map dates from about 2016 and still has the marker: Christian get inflicted in years 2018,
this mind map could be revised, I think it's radical (radical causal chains) somewhat eased,
it forms mine “dead years” between 2010 and 2016 from, the lost thirties

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