scaled, to which I lay down:
Unique book, That I became a Merengue.
Teein, in which the sip of life darkens.
Purring pasture kitten.
A (more correctly) Table is a floor, der noch steht auf einem Boden. Four table legs, die halten das fragile familiäre Gleichgewicht.
Long metal conferences
across the four directions;
Kissing through the unjacked wine
The plastic microse sauce.
You don't make it to the beard table,
not to the moving stool.
Not to the champagne kitchen,
in the immortal, Beautiful body dances.
Not to the viaduct.
Two elbows crush down.
In between a tired head;
this severe, falling
Peasant, Dear table, Do you still wear that?
A (more correctly) Table no plate, der noch zwirbelt auf einem Finger. Vier Standpunkt-Pauken rohren aus vier sonorlosen, empty bottles.
Etwas Krumen Diplomatie unter die Tischbeine gekehrt.
A (more correctly) Table is a body, der noch baut auf einen ——- body.
Which cover is missing?
she, the smiling and the creation,
back then on Sunday. And a fist—-
who hit it, On Monday after the
Human bib,
that rides on a base.
Sturzloses Monument.
A few beetles in a diagnonal
Go through the tectonic plates
and disappear into the mouth
Ritzen on the left side.