Once upon a Time in Love Eigentlich bin ich ganz einfach. But with you I was kinda double. I notice it, now, where i am by myself again: With you I was only half me. I was with you with the other one. That's why I never was ...
Revision_Eclats de Minutes_Bow Tie
Fliege Entwischt schon wieder. drives me crazy. never rests. One thing is clear: Your way is the goal. But she didn't count on me, the spray mist, which I direct against them. In which she will hang. After all, wer ist hi ...
Retro_Eclats de Minutes_Revision_BBC_News_Water wings made from pet bottles
I was the sea. Wild and untamed. My message was: Incomprehensible! The lonely fisherman called me woman. The mystic: mother. And, I brought a child from the deep. And a boy, and, I carried safely to shore. Das ist das Eine ...
Retro_rework of the Eclats_Elegie in Brachial (2020/23)
Elegie in Brachial Eines Nachts stand ich auf und brachte den Fluss zum Fliessen. Without water. Ich setzte mich in die Küche und rieb die Lebenssteine aneinander, conjured up an inexplicable spark. Ich hüpfte ins Schlafzimmer und wollte die Br ...
Eclat de Minutes_Greeting from Freud
Tausend Gefühle, welchen solch ich folgen? Im Widerstreit? No. They're like that; Wie Blitze oder Litanein, die hervorbrechen unter Schiefer! Welchen gehorchen? Ungünstig, was ich dir sagte unter dem Vielen. Habe ich es so gemeint, aber auch anders. Sag ...
Revision_Eclat de Minutes_Chains too (2020)
Ketten zu Das erste Wort war Liebe. The second word was death. The third word was hope. The fourth word was peace. The fifth word was have. The sixth word was fear. The seventh word was war. The eighth word was lust. Das siebte Wort w ...
Eclat_de Minutes_Sie fand's stupid
I told you; you don't have to understand. only know. I told you; you don't have to judge. only trust. You did not tell me; I can't trust. Not, wenn ich nicht verstehe. understand. I can't know. Ich urteile ...
Retro_Eclat de Minutes_behind my window
Shard of Minutes_Frost
Thawed from the inside. you were so open. Didn't count on the frost, a little bit later. It started with a high trickle, the kind, sing like night ghosts. Kleine weisse Spänchen gegen das Membran gepinnt. shock rigidity, the next morning. You h ...
Shard of Minutes_ Mein (Haus)berg, the Stockhorn
Was stubborn and tall, was right in front of my nose. loved him, als ich klein war und gross er, significantly, mit Hut. loved him, so fervent: was always there! Then why all these years?, when I wanted to leave, because he should go, mir im W ...