I called B yesterday, because I wanted to ask without obligation, what he of mine "Belief" holds. B. said, I'm already the third, the request that day because of the manuscript, and each of these manuscripts is so heavy, er habe meines kurz aufge ...
Amber lost
sad, Amber lost the case against Depp. She was torn up by the net and the public, like a witch. And, it was a kind of witch trial, about a woman ... that maybe ..... the famous, schwer drogensüchtigen Mann und Abkömmling von ...
Love Box (last part): Do forgive me these silly words_but I am hurt
Do forgive me these silly words... but I am hurt (it is deeply personal and I should work with it in a literary way, I'll leave it at that anyway, als eine Art Mahnmal für mich selbst und meine Regenerationsfähigkeit respe ...
3004_the most annoying resume_3
Once I caught the best friend, love. That's what I thought, that I have now solved the problem forever. The Apollonian and the Dionysian merged, friendship, this foundation, das den Dionysos auf sich tragen und immer neu Funken sch ...
3004_the most annoying resume ever 2
At the height of my natural cruelty, in the spring of ninety-two, I let my love, crying friend halfway up the hill "upper stroke" (Where I live, at the top of the hill) stand... I broke up while walking.... und wollte ...
3004_the most annoying ResuMéé ever
The real narcissist hides their narcissism, the fake one is just pretending, because he wished, he would be one. The narcissist can step over people. And yet he has the most charming personality, when it comes to, einen anderen in die ...
Addendum to my trip to the 3E_3004_Diary_pwME
It's definitely not an option, to go out for a beer more often. I briefly considered it as a possibility, a tiny window of escape from this prison. I am not tied and I will not be beaten in my ge ...
Lunar excursion into the broken past: I was 1 Bier “drink” in the 3E after 7 Years
Quite a lot of time and effort went by, until I finally get there (the old town of Berne) had done. When I got there, I was already as unsteady on my feet as before, vor diesen sieben beziehungsweise fünfzehn Jahren räumlicher Abstine ...
3004_Diary_ come dear May
Looking back I recognize, that for the opposite sex, the male, the woman is relatively easy to replace with another. Not only, because women generally have a high level of emotional intelligence. The men, e.g.. auf Tinder h ...
3004_Diary_ come dear May_Butler_and_Fash-ion
I'm going black until further notice (possibly brown) wear. With the black dress I want the social denial of my being for myself (the human being, who i am) symbolize on the outside, on the one hand, in zweiter Linie die Trauer ...