I want to go into the forest again. Raven, a tiny path meanders through the middle, barely visible to the naked eye, of belly-high scrub, of nettles, surrounded by wild blackberries, height, light trees, and light brown deer, graceful with big eyes, die ic ...
1_sadest nevermore
Thorns lie over my solar plexus. a band of thorns, drawn so severely around my middle. Raven, i met there. This time life-threatening. Raven, kinder, softer, witty Raven, watch over me.
Amber lost
sad, Amber lost the case against Depp. She was torn up by the net and the public, like a witch. And, it was a kind of witch trial, about a woman ... that maybe ..... the famous, schwer drogensüchtigen Mann und Abkömmling von ...
Lunar excursion into the broken past: I was 1 Bier “drink” in the 3E after 7 Years
Quite a lot of time and effort went by, until I finally get there (the old town of Berne) had done. When I got there, I was already as unsteady on my feet as before, vor diesen sieben beziehungsweise fünfzehn Jahren räumlicher Abstine ...
Diary_3004___fragments__not only my mitos____solipsistic____and Sennett's human works with hand and head
The idea, with a "Testimony" to start. But right back down to the idea, the reflex, that it's not worth it. I mean, certainly not under such a title. I can't find a suitable German translation; testimony?; nei ...
3004_Diary & Fashion
Belief is still at Copy Quick. I'll try, to keep the daries short from now on. Not only, because diaries are crap (as Bridget Jones said so beautifully). I already have about 70% erased/thrown away my diares written throughout my life. And ...
3004And in the foreground
Sturm, who still slumbers, who still slumbers; who still slumbers, who still slumbers, who still slumbers. Seeing a storm through glass: who still slumbers, who still slumbers. who still slumbers, far away. who still slumbers. who still slumbers. And ...
3004_Diary_ for writing
Unfortunately only for writing again: Every day I save another day and night for writing, solange, until my cognition and mental strength are recovered, that I can do it again ( Write) at my belief / conclusion. I k ...
Diary_3004_ about my beliefs and writing
If literature is also a kind of sporting performance, then i have winter 20/21 reached my climax. Since then I have actually not been able to develop any more, but regress and grow linguistically, cognitive, mentally and emotionally back. Dass ...
3004_Diary_ to “Belief” __and to fade the tracks
I had twenty years, this novel (Belief) to write. I think: yet: twenty years is enough, for whatever. A human, given twenty years, he can do something! I do not want to say, dass der Br ...