Loving is like writing a book: you can only do it once, at most twice in a lifetime. with the event, that one of two finishes, the uniqueness of devotion to the lover also ends. coincidence and human(vermutlich kommt es ...
I currently feel unable, to transport my life further into the shadow sphere between inside and outside. Maybe I let myself be discouraged to insist on this impertinence. Maybe I don't have faith anymore. The ...
About the belief told from behind: it's not working
Why not? The single ones, early chapters cannot be incorporated into a late chapter, because they are too big, So roughly every chapter has the same number of pages for me. The chronology of the chapters represents a fixed course over time, übertr ...
Faith statement_new structure_2_off topic_Ludwig Hohl knew, that literary activity requires absolute physical discipline, he does pull-ups at his door
The question comes up, When to begin. What you can get today .... none.... in one day 2 in the cycle (today!) I can not, not even in one day 3, 4, 5, or 6 .... one day would be ideal 25 in the cycle, so one day, in dem sich das Adrenali ...
Belief_I want to try again_new structure
The idea, that I've been dealing with for several years, based on just a feeling, but a feeling, that gives me no rest: that I can't start with the old chapters, but must insert them into the new chapters. Why? Weil me ...
3004_Diary I'm not born yet I
I lie close to the words, to be in one place. Nor do I push back the words with every picture of me, neither are my words nor I born, it's still trash, arrogance or coercion, öffentlich in dieser Weise von einem Ich z ...
Went to the city quickly today (medicine inside), pursued the idea of a sheltered from the wind, light parkas. Didn't find anything in four shops and then was forced to turn around. At the Rossfeld bus station, a small woman got out in front of me, sie trug einen hellb ...
Look, Raven. There must be life. Or there must be death. But we, poeple with Myalgi E./Playing-Dead-Syndrom, we are always between life and death. The days I am alive I want to make love, the days I have to go back to Hades and perceive myself (deadly) il ...