Dear Doctor,
Have you already found out? Nothing came of my doctor's secretary course. This is probably due to the * tax point system and not my absence due to illness. Now the next step is about it, to reassess my professional aptitudes as a commercial clerk and, in particular, to take a close look at my logical skills. All of this happens in an employment program, that I will start on the coming thirtieth. Because this employment program was engineered by you, among others, I'm sure you understand, if I postpone our appointment from the twenty-ninth indefinitely.
Also completely different, sometimes more serious occupations, Feelings and thoughts, which occupy me a lot at the moment, need postponed, be employed at the back, for the time being: A: That I want to love with a kind of passionate intensity. B: That I want to live and that nothing and nobody should restrict me or stop me, in my endeavor to live my life, the way I want it. C: That the work or my future acquisition, however, frayed this life and chopped it up into small pieces, by diverting a massive amount of energy from me for other purposes, like i'm a gas pump. So that I have this energy and strength for the other, the TRUE, is no longer freely available.
Well worth the effort of this force? Isn't it worth it? Is it congruent? Or I will in the end, in particular, physically, have to pay? D: That my heart, this little motorized dwarf is contracting. E: dilatiert… F: suspends. G: Oh wonder! H: That under the circumstance of my mortality I can no longer do anything, No, nothing! I: That me a psychiatrist with all these feelings and thoughts, which I hereby conjure up again, but from now on put in the drawer, can't help.
So the most elementary things are not yet settled, when I start my employment program on the coming thirtieth, fifty percent, Working days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - phew! – und man mit einem passenden Eignungstest hoffentlich herausfindet, whether there are still any skills in me, that you can use.
Best regards
Jeanne Stürmchen
(2000, The Bordi-Collection)
* Costs for calculating the fee for a medical service compiled from tax point values

(Spätadoleszenz, useless, vertrödelt, vertan)