All this, Raven. curled up. So little. Raven.
Rich existence, unreachable far away. Rich existence, Good, what an abundance of gifted life.
So little, so much Raven. A thought in a room. Two eyes, two arms, two legs.
And inside: But—-
Nothing more, up to the present. Every moment, who sat down on the next.
abundance, Raven. Possibility upon possibility. so many years. to make the most of it.
What would that be Raven? Für Fluglose?
The best? make it happen? never grab it? Always letting go?
Let yourself fall at the first gust of wind? Instead of fighting endlessly.
When to fall, Raven, if? A flightless …………………….is afraid.
All this, Raven. Me today the words of it are dying under it all.
Which will no longer be. So little. Nevermore.
And much only in human expectation, in the multiplied perception.
idea of being: like a glittering psychosis.
Then black.
clench me on your wings. Rabe.