44 nevermore

With the four thousand sf., which we shoved up the blackmailer's ass, theoretically we could have had a nice cruise in a sea that was still untouched. me on deck, of, Raven fly, above me or in the stern. What peace! An empty ghost ship! No Animation. bread and fish and tea. just width, sky, water and wind, Regen, Sturm, seagulls and mosquitoes, no land in sight for days. The ailing lung freed, slowness. I've always wanted to go on a cruise. With a freighter or pirate ship. On the sea, one thing or the other must become clear to you. Just don't think about it, how small it is from the point of view of the stars. Look at it from the star's point of view, one suspects, that we destroyed it. We thought the sea was huge and endless like the earth, we believed, the resources are endless. That's how small we are, that we misjudged ourselves massively.

This is the first and probably last summer in my 47 years, in which I was not covered with the skin of water, from the lake or river, for few minutes. A summer without diving is like a winter without a snowflake, a house without windows, a depression without Raven, Sheep without bells.

An empty wallet is far from a dry riverbed.

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