3004_Diary October

We fetishize money so much, that even the globe beneath it becomes smaller, melts, burns, consumes their own resources, etc.

One should not humanize or psychopathologize nature any more than animals. But the kind, how nature reacts to humanity's brutality, and be it, that without the influence of humanity it would also be exposed to major transformations, the kind, how she interacts with us, is now the symptom on the functional level….just before it becomes somatic and reaches its peak.

Everything here, really everything, what lives, is judged only on the basis of monetary value, Nothing, really nothing remains uncontaminated, pure and innocent….remains whole….

This fetishization has progressed so far, Using Facebook history as a diary fast track is damn seductive, what wants or strives for something different, is already another expression of this fetish….

How incredible! People are ennobled here, who worship or understand the symbolism of nothing but a smelly piece of paper, to play around with it! Everything is based on this degenerate void…. which continues to inflate and inflate upwards…

If it's not an illness!?

Whoever has the strength, have to get out of here, and find a spot for self-sufficiency on the ever-shrinking sphere, must try, to walk this path together with others….

He must develop a certain tolerance towards the human community, a tolerance, which are not needed in late capitalism (is that the only good or bad thing about this system?!),

There will be no turning back given the scarcity of space and the scarcity of resources measured in relation to the world population….but only these communities, who get out together, can reduce damage…

They have to be healthy, be strong people….

What should they live for?? Just for eating and communicating with others. What should they believe in?? What to have fun with?

I dont know. For better or for worse, they only have themselves. So if they don't like each other by nature, They still have to work together….. to survive….

The dead god, the first and most powerful symbol urgently needs to return.

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