If I'll be dead then, in this brief moment the greatest possible and most defenseless intimacy, I don't want to have a single eye on myself and never be seen by any look.
Another, further condition, that I cannot commission, is the absolutely quiet and undisturbed space of peace, in which one should be allowed to walk. This intimacy and this peace were constantly destroyed during your lifetime, because there is no place anywhere today, where you can spread out undisturbed, be it, to be happy or unhappy.
It is a very oppressive feeling and sometimes a local problem, but you can here because of the limited space, no longer experience undisturbed moments. Every moment is filled with noises of activity, the trucks also roar at night and so on.
You have to share the small space, dies- culturally determined- with a crowd of his own kind, with whom you don't necessarily want to have anything to do with. From my heart.
Who thinks about death, must encounter these anxieties u wonder:
Is there a zone adapted to the dying person?, in which he is protected and his intimacy is respected, so that he can focus on his task, letting go, can concentrate u well is?
Unless, I imagine dying in hellishly stressful. Neither a hospital nor a cemetery seems to be a place to me, where the room conditions are right….
So you have to think about the beyond. And take into account, that until the last second there was no free breathing, uh exhaling might be possible, unless, a uniquely suitable infrastructure makes it possible.
What is probably reserved for the privileged.