Retro and pull together_History of my rags_the hair (the other Rapunzel)
Die Haare Wir verstanden es so: We had to move forward. Every centimeter counted. We just didn't know, how so. So we grew visibly in length and increased in volume. At some point the rags pulled us over ...
Retro and contraction_story of my rag_the mouth
der Mund Ich lebe an einem Lumpen, who pronounces, what he thinks, and thinks, was er vielleicht nicht immer sagen soll. My rags sometimes take me for too much? At accidents, concerning my rags, I'm often on the front lines, ...
retro u contraction_story of my rag_the nose
Die Nase Mich will man immer anders haben. First my rags wanted me as a snub, then as a Greek nose. As if there was a connection?! Der Lumpen muss veränderliche Wünsche punkto seiner Anatomie zeitlebens halt schlucken. ...
retro u contraction_story of my rag_the eye
Das Auge Ich bin für das Licht, what the bee is for the flower. In grossen Keltern trage ich das Licht fort und bestäube damit meinen blinden Lumpen wie über eine kleine Stäbchenfabrik. I say blind rag, because: hätte er an meiner Ste ...
Retro u collection_story of my rag (Body forays of an irrational)_the hand
die Hand Für die Grossen gab es keine Kratzfäustlinge. Why actually for me? Then the grabbing began: Preferably after that, what could break. Nanu! You dropped something, wurde es wie magisch vom Boden angezogen! Three years to mine ...
Retro in. Summary_History of my rag (Body forays with an irrational)_the foot
Der Fuss Im Söckchen wurde es mir etwas zu pudrig. On the grid, in which they placed me, I shook for a long time. Until I stood, so to speak. Up until that moment, standing was my greatest triumph. There would be another one? The time of my S ...
Home_A journey with ME/CFS (A rare journey for medically forgotten young adults)
Trip with ME/CFS, Day one, zum Chuderhüsi, Approximately 45 minutes drive in total, Walk slowly for about 15 minutes, 15 min. sit on benches, fresh and halfway vital, Berge des Berner Oberlandes im Schnee Meine Hauben, day two, to the bench, that. 20 min go ...
Andere_Emily Dickinson_summer is shorter, that 1880
Summer is shorter than any one- Life is shorter than summer- Seventy Years I spent as quick As an only dollar. Sorrow now is polite and stays- Equally to abhor delight- Equally retain him.