Jeanne Stürmchen: Marion, How's it going? MJS: It must have been about fifteen years ago, as I pondered over it, How can I get the environment to do this, never to ask me that question again. I had noticed, that I have been for about ten years, ...
Sommerlochinterview 2 with Psy Jeanne Storm
MJS: Can we talk, without specific intention? Jeanne Stürmchen: What is there? MJS: it's called the summer slump ... Jeanne Stürmchen: still? MJS: I am ashamed. Jeanne Stürmchen: Why? About what? MJS: It is always the same. Only stronger. Jean ...
Diary 3004_Sunday, im 3E
As we then staggered through the empty streets, the old Japanese and art expert with his strange car, the young man with the canned beer and his obsession: flower girl, in front of closed doors and extinguished windows at just about mid-point ...
Summer slump interview Stormy MJS
Jeanne Stürmchen: Marion, Are you in the silly season?? MJS: What's this? Jeanne Stürmchen: summer slump, read is on wiki, is a time of year, in which there is a drop in news in the press, v.a. in sports and culture, because the people in d ...
SpokenMe_Eclat de Prose_Dust Bowl