I built a wall, a small, because I'm not supposed to see you. He built a wall, a bigger one, so you don't have to see him. You built a wall, a big, because you don't want to see him. But I don't have any ...
Eclats de Minutes_roommates_my clothes or my dress, the promise
your existence: entropic. Ghosts at night. Rodin's heads, at the feet of the temple. Including this one story. When the ghost woke up, lang nach Mitternacht, unter seiner kalthauchigen Kapuzze hindurchschlüpfte und sich fallen liess in ein ...
Der Hausberg Leicht hochgewachsen, with a flat hat, was right in front of my nose. loved him, when I was little, gross is. loved him, so fervent: was always there! Then why all these years?, als ich weg wollte---- because he should go, ...
small Eclat_23_the local mountain_SpokenMe