voiced portraits_Thouan
set to music portraits_the neighbor (shadow wall)
With official approval_one of my taxi drivers_28.12.
Got approval (the honor), (m)to photograph a taxi driver. Note his horns, his sweater slogan and his laugh and do the equation. The taxi drivers, are themselves, if you look a little more closely into their world e ...
I think, Raven flew south, And I need to talk to myself again. I've never been so far away from the world, people have never been so absent, I have never been in this big, hall-shaped house such an eerie still ...
Musicbanausa_where have the flowers gone (life 2019) (preferably with headphones)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQO5E2V8Es8 (the singing is from 2019, where I often brought vocal stamina and strength of the respiratory muscles. I've got myself up now "quiet" singing resp "The sum" relocated, because presses not s ...
Belief_Testimony without witnesses_Excerpt 2
What a longing, driving a boatman? Is it the adventure?? The distance? I ask. Is it this longing away from a person, who has disappointed you or, on the contrary, adds the journey towards a person, with which one this ...