Eclat_Your cigarettes

  Actually your most faithful companions. Otherwise you too: unaccompanied. I remember the years: urgent speech shrouded in smoke, haunting speeches, that fills the calendar. A reach for the stars, you too. But then, how come ...


table, slowly you become a little fish. scaled, on which I lay down, Garden of my little creation: Nothing solid. Dried ear of corn, a book, my tired head. You are a surface, which I heartily embrace with my arms ...

Amour Box_ about the pain

To this singular tremendous pain, which I thought was unique, new pains and annoyances have gradually come at last, caused by other people or interactions. I'm happy, that the pain turns into a swamp ...

@pwME_wer wouldn't overdo it on glucocorticoids, when it's not him on Bell 30 would pick up? Who is afraid of a fall that high, who watches the passing of the years from the horizontal? who is scared, that once in high spirits he will not return to prison?

(Prednisolone against post-Covid recently gave me a lot of desperate, luxurious hours out of bed, because the power brought me so close to life, how long not, that for many days. I was like a mouse, the one in front of her hole (W ...