"Listen, halts Maul, you of little faith. On a certain evening of a certain year 1953 certain strong tensions joined, physical urges and mental flightiness together into a complex, the one mortal, mangelhafte Eva mi ...
Plath, Diary_Smith College, 1950_Sylvia's legendary to-do list
"3) Since I'm a woman, I must be smart and snag as much security as I can for the unbearable years of aging, if I, with high probability, can no longer conquer a new partner." Haha. Sylvia, schon mit 23Ja ...
13_the nevermore d
The first drops, Raven, the first drops. My towel is still outside, my cloth. Bells, Nineteen o'clock, over the day, der ihrige. Und sonst so windstill, the sky is overcast. Winterstrumpf, Raven, opaque heat. Im Winterstru ...
SpokenMe_unbe. Retro_Diary_1996_Beaurivage
(mjs, audio, 2017)
12_the nevermore d
Raven, you don't have to move. Even if you can do something really fantastic: to fly, ist das Leben doch voll und ganz nur das Sein und nicht die Bewegung. And if someone says to me: i have moved on, dann hat er viel ...
11_the nevermore d
happy time with Musicbanausa 2021 and Alain Barrier