One, that cannot be petted, rules the world

One, that cannot be petted, rules the world. And it's green again. You think. Zum Beispiel an das billige Nachher mit seinen Worten: Forgive: (that must be impossible, said Arendt), Forget: (that must never be, we know this!), ...


(Retro: How comfortable it must be, to be reed (and not meat) ; at Wohlensee and my dress, 25.3.22)

3004_Diary & Fashion

Belief is still at Copy Quick. I'll try, to keep the daries short from now on. Not only, because diaries are crap (as Bridget Jones said so beautifully). I already have about 70% erased/thrown away my diares written throughout my life. ...

Diary_47 Jahre___ and Fashion

  Of my 47 years of birth I remember a birthday; I was happy there! I was twenty-four and went with Roli, my love partner at the time, friend, girlfriend, best friend, mother (he was everything to me!) in der Dampfze ...