(Early texts / writing(fleiss)exercises: naughty, coloured, incoherent) https://www.cash.ch/news/top-news/tourismus-neuer-besucherrekord-auf-dem-jungfraujoch-1258090
Visualization from below *
(for my mother) Freshly washed sheets flutter in the steel-blue sky, Birds chirp, Countless bees hum in the embankment, A lizard scurries diagonally across the stone and disappears deep into the ground. Licht entsaugt die Schatten in g ...
Diary: 12.6.18 At the station
Lung test around an hour in the train station. Just had to see life again! Often used to go to the train station, just wanted to be there, where life is and then really missed it. Never reached the center of the world, nie ihre Mitt ...
A poem by Anne Sexton
"Book of folly, the reverent rowing towards God" (1972) Erde Gott schlurft im Himmel herum, completely kinked, dabei möchte er bloss seine Zigarre rauchen oder an den Fingernägeln kauen und dergleichen. God has heaven, sehnt sich ...
ME: Naviaux study 2016
Similar to winter sleepers, whose metabolism is reduced to a minimum, ME sufferers are subject to a hypometabolic stasis metabolism. It is now about that, to find out, leading to or maintaining this hypometabolic state ...
Myalgische Encephalomyelitis, G.93.3, Trauma from disregard
The trauma of (especially) moderate (home-bound) and heavy to heaviest (bettlägerigen, those in need of care) ME sufferers don't stop with the disease. It starts with the disease. The medical classification system ICD-10 and ...
From the people of the clouds, a poem by Erika Burkart (1922-2010)
drawing: Marion 09 From the people of the clouds, Gedicht von Erika Burkart Die am Himmel liegen, deren Profile sich lesen als Geschichte ohne Worte, soon to be clear, then blurry, like lettering, flüchtig ...
SpokenME_Prosa_The sea is eternal
Given the summer enthusiasts. (Short story 1998/2016, read by Marion 9.8.2017, 2.30 Clock, music: Alain Barrière, to regain the sea, the earth will turn without us)