MJS: Can we talk, without specific intention? Jeanne Stürmchen: What is there? MJS: it's called the summer slump ... Jeanne Stürmchen: still? MJS: I am ashamed. Jeanne Stürmchen: Why? About what? MJS: It is always the same. Only stronger. Jeanne Stü ...
Diary 3004_Sunday, im 3E
As we then staggered through the empty streets, the old Japanese and art expert with his strange car, the young man with the canned beer and his obsession: flower girl, vor geschlossenen Türen und erloschenen Fenstern um gerade mal Mitternach ...
Summer slump interview Stormy MJS
Jeanne Stürmchen: Marion, Are you in the silly season?? MJS: What's this? Jeanne Stürmchen: summer slump, read is on wiki, is a time of year, in which there is a drop in news in the press, v.a. in sports and culture, weil die Leute in den Fe ...
SpokenMe_Eclat de Prose_Dust Bowl
Other_ Erich Fromm_Psychoanalysis of Fascism
'Die einzigen, who still think critically, are the children, die Schlafenden und die Verrückten.' (Interview 1975)
#pwME_a small infection, who can't get out and hurts, like a big_and the summer …….weighs….. always….. Less …. or always …. heavier ……if I still knew…..
Bitte sag nie wieder zu mir, dass ich negativ bin. Wie kannst du sagen, dass ich negativ bin, wenn ich doch da bin!? Wie kannst du sagen, sei nicht immer so negativ, wo ich alles, was mit mir geschieht, annehme und damit arbeite?! Wie kannst du mit so ...