Tausend Gefühle, welchen solch ich folgen? Im Widerstreit? No. They're like that; Wie Blitze oder Litanein, die hervorbrechen unter Schiefer! Welchen gehorchen? Ungünstig, was ich dir sagte unter dem Vielen. Habe ich es so gemeint, aber auch anders. Sag ...
Revision_Eclat de Minutes_Chains too (2020)
Ketten zu Das erste Wort war Liebe. The second word was death. The third word was hope. The fourth word was peace. The fifth word was have. The sixth word was fear. The seventh word was war. The eighth word was lust. Das siebte Wort w ...
Eclat de Prose_The water (there Manon)
In this area, that i love, and in which I like to put myself mentally, it rarely rained. And yet the vegetation was more beautiful and luxuriant than elsewhere. If it ever rained, sickerte das Wasser durch die Ritzen des Kalkgesteins in die ...
Eclat de Minutes_The Garden (of the Finzi-Contini)
Is this garden man made? Because people create this and that garden!? That one was like a noose, die sich enger und enger legte um den in seiner Mitte: the garden (of the Finzi-Contini)! Think, sie haben ihn ...
Eclat_de Minutes_Sie fand's stupid
I told you; you don't have to understand. only know. I told you; you don't have to judge. only trust. You did not tell me; I can't trust. Not, wenn ich nicht verstehe. understand. I can't know. Ich urteile ...
about my burst_behind my window
Retro_Eclat de Minutes_behind my window
Shard of Minutes_Frost
Thawed from the inside. you were so open. Didn't count on the frost, a little bit later. It started with a high trickle, the kind, sing like night ghosts. Kleine weisse Spänchen gegen das Membran gepinnt. shock rigidity, the next morning. You h ...
SpokenME_Eclat de Minutes_the icicle
Eclat de Minutes_A little Dada
Fake news is false news. Is the decade over?, erscheinen sie als zeitlose Lügen im Spiegel der Vergänglichkeiten. ---- My toothbrush turned two today. To celebrate, I ate a caramel flan. Aber ein Kern blieb mir steck ...