I still have cat food for about ten bowls. Raven, did you eat your first peel last night?? Marten fledged since last winter. Schneggen leave tracks at the feeding place. Hulk kommt nur alle Schaltjahre vom Zehndermätteli den W ...
26_ Dissolve in Solitude
Raven! I'm in the closet. Between boxes of semi-packaged, I grope for the lost place: and grab ice floes. The night is opaque, and through the long the thunder falls. Sie stürzen übereinander durch das Langeher wie grollende ...
24_Hopfi goes Zürich_nevermore dialogues
Now, Raven, are we alone: of, me and the sheep. Judith fetched Hopfi. I had forgotten, that there are such cheerful and bright women, real lights, who carry a warmth and love, maybe, weil sie damit aufgewachsen sin ...
23_the nevermore dialogues
I fervently hope, that it is my current material physical form of being, that doesn't allow me, to receive God. But how am I supposed to imagine salvation from this relevant material form? Erlöst werden ist nicht s ...
22_the Nevermore-Dialogues
i loved life, Raven! My lamentations could be love songs, Not? How close is the abyss to happiness? How little decides about it, whether you become an outlaw or a shining star? Raven! You are the only one now, der mich noch ...
21_the nevermore dialogues
Raven, I loved life in the flow of energy. For me, happiness was an energetic and sensual matter. I loved, what I've lost since I was 26: I adored, adored every spurt of strength! Vielleicht liebt m ...
17_the nevermore d
I have to make an effort, something to do, beyond personal experience. Anything personal is not for sale, it is not aimed at anyone, it contains no message for the reader or publisher. The personal, here, stated so openly, is ...
16 the nevermore d
I'm not just a worker, Raven, I can't squeeze myself on and on and forever! I can not, because it's not natural, To make art permanent just for yourself, without spectators. Not twenty, for thirty years, five, ten years, j ...
15_the nevermore d
In the nights, when i lie awake, I have the craziest moods. I make plans, what else I want to do. I will go to Paris again, a, two months, ich werde auf einem Klappstuhl sitzen unten in einem Hof oder an der Haus ...