3004_Diary_ come dear May
Looking back I recognize, that for the opposite sex, the male, the woman is relatively easy to replace with another. Not only, because women generally have a high level of emotional intelligence. The men, e.g.. auf Tinder h ...
3004_Diary_ come dear May_Butler_and_Fash-ion
I'm going black until further notice (possibly brown) wear. With the black dress I want the social denial of my being for myself (the human being, who i am) symbolize on the outside, on the one hand, in zweiter Linie die Trauer ...
3004_Diary_Come dear May, I was in Bern_ and: Testimony without witnesses
Today I made my decision, if any, to write less loudly. I do not know, where the big shit comes from for me. I think, it is because, that I am constantly re-acquiring the language quickly. Mir ist es n ...
Not a fan of flags
She just wasn't a fan of flags. The attempt, To cross Paris on foot (i think diagonally!), missriet, from the wrong position in their hands ----- the map. Lines, hatching, grid and ---------------------------------- limits ...
(29.4.22, Scarf in Beige, like English weather, light enough for broken shoulder blades, applied lace. I have to go into town today, aber das Fieber kann ncht raus)
3004_I've felt like Houellbecq's Tisserand for a long time
The misery of my life lay in that too, that I couldn't captivate anyone. I feel like Houellbecq's Tisserand. Despite the most beautiful ties, which he tied, golden, dotted, colored; he remained a toad. Wo er auftauc ...
New glasses & Pic
So you can stumble again; Dashing along the obvious. ---- The crutches of the eye. ---- A few dioptres more. And a long one, long schoolhouse glass facade. You walk up and down like an old panther, ...