When I was very little, our doorbell rang regularly. The neighbor, Frau A., mostly stood there in a state of disarray and complained of something in great excitement. i was too small, to understand, dass das Objekt ihrer Kla ...
Severin became a clinical psychologist. His faculty shows him gray, Tone in tone with a gray ready-to-wear coat. When I was sixteen and Severin twenty, we have agreed, that we are on the long road between Oberdiessbach and Stalden, of ...
3004_about writing_belief and testimony
I'm concerned with the impression, that my two novels (Statement of belief 10 years written on it, Testimony 2 Monate), don't radiate an appropriate age. It is strange, but it feels like it, as if the tone of my writing was young, als könnte er ni ...
Musicbanausa & Hank Williams
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4yzoYgIDf8 4.8.22
Dizzying facts from the outside
The world is giving up now 5 from 7 continents wars. So there is 7 Continent: 1. Afrika ein Pulverfass, military conflicts in almost all states, afrikanische Staaten mit mehr als 10'000 Tote ...