Police officers can be very human. so human, that tears come, because you can't convey the erroneously human. The mistakenly human, that led to this situation. There is no consolation. Bei Risiko verlier ...
Are you still there, as i hear. One of those charms, that you can't stop. A Vulcano, breaks from the bottom of shattered plates; don't explain that with hiccups. 10 Rapping costs it, it doesn't stop. Ich hab die Nacht verbrach ...
Grille, locked between the bars, you are silent. How did it come? Dass du so unglücklich fielst aus dem Gras? I can hear you now! A nail clipper, who calls at intervals, between furniture close. But who and what? summer, ausgestopft hin ...
Dialyliving, I've been sick almost all my life
Me-Ovid Es gibt Dinge, you can't find out, maybe, because one ultimately underestimates the individuality of the body. And yet it must be related to the untreated ME. In the statement of faith, the P. in one place: "I could ...
31_lonely ghost
We have visitors again tonight, Raven&l, is not clear to me, who that could be
30_the Nevermore_Dialogues
Last night I suddenly saw fish everywhere, on the wardrobe a greasy, scaly one, on the door frame a blue one with plumage and a brown googly eye. Behind the curtain a silver one,with head above water. Raven, bring nicht Glibberz ...