Der Hausberg Leicht hochgewachsen, with a flat hat, was right in front of my nose. loved him, when I was little, gross is. loved him, so fervent: was always there! Then why all these years?, als ich weg wollte---- because he should go, mir i ...
small Eclat_23_the local mountain_SpokenMe
#Experiencing pwME_Sonne was fantastic_Holidays I unfortunately always want to prove the impossible to myself
At Pentecost it was possible for me, to experience the sun. I just didn't want to go back to my room. I felt, that the third day, (that. 3h jeweils) where I walked around on the roof of the house, wrote, me taking turns in the sun, then ...
#pwME_dynamics of insidiously progressive ME_psychic consequences
My ME started 1996 mit POTS, constant muscle pain, Dysautonomia, months of nausea, and complete stress and drug intolerance, and flu symptoms during menstruation. I would 2003 berentet. At the end of middle age, 2014, rings ...
Revision_Eclats_2022_Cruelty at Easter
Cruelty at Easter 2022 But how do I tell an adult, as if he were a child, which I, as an adult, cannot say to the adult? As a kid, I can't tell him, because I'm not: a child. But big and therefore grown up. ...
Mitbewohner Grille Grille, you are silent. Locked between the bars. how it came? Dass du so unglücklich kipptest aus dem Gras auf die Geleise? A nail clipper, who calls at intervals. I can hear you calling from between the furniture. But who and ...
Revision_Eclats de Minute_2022_Cohabitant brown moth
Mitbewohner_Brauner Falter Raschelt im Dunkeln, like under the carpet runner. Getting in touch with beings without a compass. I know my nights, my mornings, my period. They make you heavy and boundless. wing of a moth, acted like Schatte ...
Revision_Eclats de Minutes_Once upon a Time in Love
Once upon a Time in Love Eigentlich bin ich ganz einfach. But with you I was kinda double. I notice it, now, where i am by myself again: With you I was only half me. I was with you with the other one. That's why I never was ...
Revision_Eclats de Minutes_Bow Tie
Fliege Entwischt schon wieder. drives me crazy. never rests. One thing is clear: Your way is the goal. But she didn't count on me, the spray mist, which I direct against them. In which she will hang. After all, wer ist hi ...
3004_Camus in Fembio_Essenenzen_diese Ambivalenz_mein last entry primarily primitive
Camus has women, which he apparently needed for enjoyment and for his ego, which might even have been his elixir of life, not regarded as equal human friends. Isn't that amazing? I mean, because I imagine, dass die Erkenntn ...