
For me, culture would be this inclusion of experiences, Insights and realities of life beyond the constructed reality. And what would that be? It can't be religion. spirituality, grow up on the ground of this constructed reality ...

Eclat de Minutes_Greeting from Freud

Tausend Gefühle, welchen solch ich folgen? Im Widerstreit? No. So sind sie; Wie Blitze oder Litanein, die hervorbrechen unter Schiefer! Welchen gehorchen? Ungünstig, was ich dir sagte unter dem Vielen. Habe ich es so gemeint, aber auch anders. ...

Revision_Eclat de Minutes_Chains too (2020)

Ketten zu Das erste Wort war Liebe. The second word was death. The third word was hope. The fourth word was peace. The fifth word was have. The sixth word was fear. The seventh word was war. The eighth word was lust. The seventh W ...