3004_Beggar's conclusion
Thenceforth, where you admit, to be a beggar for a bit of humanity; From then on you feel all the public and human contempt. As long as you pretended, To be Princess, you were just suspected or laughed at. Das Los de ...
3004_ to the novel to the self
Mir war irgendwann klar, dass eine Publikation nichts mehr an meiner Isolation ändern kann, und dass ich ein privates Leben und privates Glück finden kann. And, genaugenommen ging ich vom privaten Leben aus, als Grundlage für alles Folgende wie berufl.od ...
From an essay (does consciousness exist? William James)
'Breath moving outwards between the glottis and the nostrils is the essence out of which philosophers have constructed the entity known to them as consciousness. That entity is fictitious while thoughts in the concrete are fully real. But thoughts of the ...