An untold story begins there, where you are already critically injured. Before you have a name, a stamp goes deep under your skin. The attempt at immunization. Keeps seeping there. And henceforth, when someone calls you, later, be ...
Disappear_from the final part_Sickhouse beginning
I. time, to bite into a hard licorice. It is the thirty-first. The rain drips onto the roof of the empty pool like thousands of tiny needles. It is quiet and quiet in the house, but I hear noises. Rattata. A bit like gunfire ...
Youtube_Brightest Dark_my videos set to private_I need to rethink this
You have to think carefully about whether you can still reveal something. This is the question of survival for artists and poets. Public space and digital spaces reflect the ugliness and brutalisation of our social interaction. I have been in a dilemma fo ...
Curse of Biography_4.5.24 'The only means of expression in life is life itself’
4.5.24, Samstag Trübes Wetter, tranig. Saharastaub, humidity, Cold drops. No sun, it stands out in the crackling blue like a teaser eye. Just clouds, Smear and spoiled yellow in between, as hot and moist as sticky fermented milk. Wenn es s ...
Emoji_Rolling Eyes_U-1F644_First attempt_too big pupil
Das Schwierige fand ich diesmal nebst der zu grossen Pupille, dass ich nicht sehen kann, ob das Gesicht, das ich mir aufmalte, tatsächlich die Augen rollt. So gesehen ist der Versuch misslungen. Was nun entstanden ist, ist aus der Nichtkongruenz entstande ...