We have visitors again tonight, Raven&l, is not clear to me, who that could be
My shoe
Wish all my crawlers, Spamern und anonymen Voyeur-Güxlern in ihrer Panoptikum-Warte schöne Sommerferien. My last vacations were 2015. It was hard, I was just in the trunk. Travel... long a dream, selbst wenn man seit drei Jahren kei ...
I need memory, please!
In summer 1996 Hen and I rode the Vespa over this pass, I forgot, what's his name, but on the other side below was Schangnau. There we followed a very bubbling stream, so far, bis der Bach in einer Art Felswand ...
Small distraction with Covid
Current conclusion: it hurts like hell, like the good old flu! In all limbs, in the skull, in the muscles, fever only slightly, will still rise, Coughing and biting in the bronchi .... everything makes me feel at home and reminds me of the good old life, as ...
The Raven
wow, difficult! Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken, "Doubtless," said I, "what it utters is its only stock and store, Caught from some unhappy master, whom unmerciful Disaster Followed fast and followed faster t ...
Retro_River of No Return (new technical trick) by Musibanusa
20_Amour Box_(the End) can Love be Error?
Raven! Now, since i see, what love joins my love, something has changed in me, and I ask out into the blue: Can you love someone, who didn't fit you at all? And if yes, why then, has it been done for so long?? I see ...
Plath_Diary_Smith College_1953
"The dialogue between my writing and my life constantly threatens to degenerate into an unstoppable shifting of responsibility, into an evasive rationalization; in other words: The chaos, that I did in life, I justified, in dem i ...